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Publicity 101: How to Make A Story Newsworthy

What's your story? Although there is no formula, publicity is a basic combination of news excitement, and relevance that uses a sales pitch to become a part of the mass media. News. A publicity campaign starts with a piece of news. Many things can make something newsworthy. For example, timing, uniqueness, a numbers brag, new research, scientific breakthroughs, beginnings or endings, updates, and much, much more can be positioned as news. By contrast, "evergreen" items are not newsworthy and can be covered at any time. An example is an overview or opinion/editorial on topics with no news value. If

Apple Strikes Gold with The Morning Show

Most professionals I know aren’t looking for another TV show to add to their personal line-up, and I’m no exception. Yes, I have my favorites. Some are just fun escapes, but I always jump in with both feet – imagining I went to medical school and was saving lives (Grey’s Anatomy); cracking up at my own punny family memories (Modern Family); relishing the value of my incredible best friendships (A Million Little Things). One that came and went – Scandal – made me thankful I had more fun and less crisis in my PR campaigns over the years. But I’d

The PR Parking Lot Facilitates Focus

Creative minds have a rapid-fire stream of ideas, and it's not until you layer strategy on top of that explosiveness, that PR magic can take flight. A theme that has come up repeatedly this summer in our campaigns is the importance of focus. When you're busy launching a new concept or campaign, it's easy to get carried away with ideas that are all over the map. Whether the idea is related to marketing, advertising, PR, social, etc., it's often hard to let go once that idea is on the table. One tactic I have introduced to several clients this year

Top Social Universities in the United States

Back to school is top of mind in September, and this infographic from MediaMiser caught my eye.  Here's an interesting look at the "top social universities" in terms of social activity, retweets, and page influence.  Harvard University took the lead with more than 3.2 million Facebook likes, almost four times as many as Yale (2nd place), and also had almost 10,o00 retweets during the test period. And those numbers continue to increase.  I checked out Harvard's Social Media Dashboard page, which is well-organized so you can connect with its multiple channels, and they've increased their Facebook fans alone to 3.5

WestJet Delivers Holiday Cheer and Makes Millions of Impressions

Thanks to some very special friends for bringing Canada’s WestJet viral video campaign to my attention.  If you’re not one of the 33 million+ who have already viewed this video, it’s well worth 5 minutes of your time, for the entertainment value alone, not to mention the campaign’s value as a marketing/PR/social case study in excellence. This is pure marketing genius, putting social media to work in a way that no other medium could communicate with quite the same punch.  WestJet granted Christmas wishes to 250 passengers in real-time.  While many airlines can’t do much more than serve peanuts and